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Single Girder vs Double Girder Crane

Overhead cranes are an essential piece of equipment in many industrial settings, used for lifting and moving heavy loads across a workspace. They play a vital role in improving efficiency, productivity, and safety in various industries such as manufacturing, construction, and warehousing.

Types of Overhead Cranes

There are two main types of overhead cranes: single girder and double girder. This article provides a comprehensive comparison between these two types, highlighting their design, advantages, disadvantages, and key differences to help you make an informed decision on which one best suits your needs.

Single Girder Cranes

single girder overhead crane component

Design and Structure

Single girder cranes consist of a single horizontal beam, known as the girder, which supports the trolley and hoist system. The trolley travels along the girder to lift and move loads. Single girder cranes are typically mounted on two parallel end trucks, which are supported by the workshop's columns or runway beams.


  1. Lower initial cost: Single girder cranes are generally less expensive than double girder cranes, making them a cost-effective solution for businesses with budget constraints.
  2. Simpler installation: Due to their relatively lightweight design, single girder cranes can be installed more quickly and easily than double girder cranes.
  3. Lower maintenance: With fewer components, single girder cranes typically require less maintenance and upkeep.


  1. Limited load capacity: Single girder cranes generally have a lower load capacity compared to double girder cranes, making them unsuitable for very heavy loads.
  2. Reduced lifting height: Due to their design, single girder cranes offer a lower lifting height than double girder cranes, which could be a limitation for some applications.

Double Girder Cranes

double girder overhead crane component
Double Girder Overhead Crane Specifications

Design and Structure

Double girder cranes feature two horizontal beams, or girders, which support the trolley and hoist system. The trolley travels between the girders, allowing for greater lifting heights and increased load capacities. Like single girder cranes, double girder cranes are also mounted on parallel end trucks supported by columns or runway beams.


  1. Increased load capacity: Double girder cranes have a higher load capacity than single girder cranes, making them suitable for handling heavy loads and demanding applications.
  2. Greater lifting height: The design of double girder cranes allows for a higher lifting height, providing more flexibility for various applications.
  3. Enhanced stability: With two girders, double girder cranes offer improved stability and rigidity compared to single girder cranes, reducing the risk of accidents and ensuring safer operation.


  1. Higher initial cost: Due to their more complex design and construction, double girder cranes typically have a higher initial cost compared to single girder cranes.
  2. More complex installation: The installation process for double girder cranes is usually more time-consuming and complex than that of single girder cranes.
  3. Increased maintenance: With more components, double girder cranes may require more maintenance and upkeep than single girder cranes.

Key Differences

Load Capacity

One of the main differences between single girder and double girder cranes is their load capacity. Double girder cranes are designed to handle heavier loads, making them ideal for industries requiring the movement of large, heavy items. In contrast, single girder cranes are more suited to light to medium duty applications.

Span and Height

Double girder cranes generally offer a greater lifting height and span than single girder cranes. This is because the trolley and hoist system can be positioned between the two girders, allowing for more vertical space for lifting. Single girder cranes, on the other hand, have the trolley and hoist system mounted below the girder, limiting the available lifting height.

Cost and Installation

Single girder cranes usually have a lower initial cost, as well as a simpler and faster installation process. This makes them an attractive option for businesses with budget constraints or limited timeframes. However, double girder cranes, while more expensive and complex to install, provide greater capabilities and flexibility for heavy-duty applications.

Choosing the Right Crane for Your Needs

Factors to Consider

When deciding between a single girder and double girder crane, consider the following factors:

  1. Load capacity: Assess the typical weight of the loads you need to handle to determine which type of crane is best suited for your requirements.
  2. Lifting height and span: Evaluate the vertical and horizontal space available in your facility and the necessary reach for your specific applications.
  3. Budget: Consider your budget constraints and weigh the initial cost against the long-term benefits and capabilities of each type of crane.
  4. Installation and maintenance: Take into account the complexity of installation and ongoing maintenance when making your decision.


In conclusion, both single girder and double girder cranes offer unique advantages and disadvantages. Single girder cranes are a cost-effective solution for light to medium duty applications, while double girder cranes provide greater capabilities for heavy-duty tasks. By considering factors such as load capacity, lifting height, span, budget, and installation requirements, you can make an informed decision on which type of crane is best suited for your specific needs.


  1. What is the main difference between single girder and double girder cranes? The main difference between single girder and double girder cranes is their load capacity and lifting height. Double girder cranes can handle heavier loads and offer greater lifting heights than single girder cranes.
  2. Are double girder cranes always better than single girder cranes? Not necessarily. The choice between single girder and double girder cranes depends on factors such as load capacity requirements, lifting height, available space, and budget.
  3. Do single girder cranes require less maintenance than double girder cranes? Generally, single girder cranes require less maintenance due to their simpler design and fewer components.
  4. Can single girder cranes be used for heavy-duty applications? Single girder cranes are generally suited for light to medium duty applications, while double girder cranes are better suited for heavy-duty applications due to their higher load capacity and greater lifting height.
  5. How do I determine the right type of crane for my needs? To determine the right type of crane for your needs, consider factors such as load capacity, lifting height, span, budget, installation requirements, and maintenance. Analyzing these factors will help you make an informed decision based on your specific requirements.

Ready to make an informed decision on the right crane for your business? Explore our extensive range of single girder and double girder cranes, tailored to meet your specific requirements. Contact our expert team today for a personalized consultation and let us help you elevate your productivity and efficiency. Get in touch with our crane specialists now!



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