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Cantilever Cranes: Lifting Your Business to New Heights

Exploring the Differences between Cantilever Gantry Crane and Cantilever Jib Crane


Cantilever cranes are a type of crane that is widely used in various industries such as construction, shipping, and transportation. These cranes are designed to lift and transport heavy loads over long distances, making them an ideal choice for businesses that require the movement of heavy loads.

In this article, we will discuss two types of cantilever cranes - cantilever gantry crane and cantilever jib crane. We will look at their design, features, advantages, and applications, enabling you to make an informed decision when choosing the right crane for your business.

What is a Cantilever Crane?

A cantilever crane is a type of crane that uses a cantilever beam to support the load. The beam is fixed at one end and extends horizontally to support the load. The other end of the beam is unsupported, making it ideal for lifting and transporting heavy loads over long distances.

Cantilever cranes are popular in various industries, including construction, shipping, and transportation. They are known for their ability to lift and transport heavy loads with ease, making them an ideal choice for businesses that require the movement of heavy loads.

Types of Cantilever Crane

There are two types of cantilever crane - cantilever gantry crane and cantilever jib crane. Both cranes have their unique design and features, making them suitable for different applications.

Design and Features of Cantilever Gantry Crane

cantilever gantry crane

A cantilever gantry crane is a type of crane that is supported by two or more legs that run on rails or wheels. The crane has a cantilever beam that extends out from the gantry, enabling it to lift and transport heavy loads over long distances.

Cantilever gantry cranes are designed to handle heavy loads with ease. They are available in different sizes and configurations, making them suitable for various applications. They are often used in shipping yards, construction sites, and warehouses.

Advantages of Cantilever Gantry Crane

  • Can lift and transport heavy loads over long distances
  • Can be customized to meet specific requirements
  • Available in different sizes and configurations
  • Easy to operate and maintain
  • Can handle loads in confined spaces

Applications of Cantilever Gantry Crane

  • Shipping yards
  • Construction sites
  • Warehouses
  • Manufacturing facilities
  • Mining operations

Design and Features of Cantilever Jib Crane

Jib cranes

A cantilever jib crane is a type of crane that has a horizontal beam that extends from a vertical mast. The beam is unsupported on one end, enabling it to lift and transport heavy loads over short distances.

Cantilever jib cranes are designed to handle loads in confined spaces where a larger crane would not fit. They are often used in factories, workshops, and assembly lines. They are available in different sizes and configurations, making them suitable for various applications.

Advantages of Cantilever Jib Crane

  • Can handle loads in confined spaces
  • Can be mounted on walls or pillars
  • Available in different sizes and configurations
  • Easy to operate and maintain
  • Can handle loads up to 5 tons

Applications of Cantilever Jib Crane

  • Factories
  • Workshops
  • Assembly lines
  • Maintenance facilities
  • Storage areas

How to Choose the Right Cantilever Crane for Your Business?

When choosing a cantilever crane for your business, there are several factors to consider, such as the weight of the load, the height of the lift, and the space available. You should also consider the type of load you will be lifting and the frequency of use.

If you need to lift and transport heavy loads over long distances, a cantilever gantry crane would be a better choice. On the other hand, if you need to handle loads in confined spaces, a cantilever jib crane would be a better option.

It is essential to choose the right crane for your business to ensure efficient and safe operations. You should also consider the cost of the crane and its maintenance before making a final decision.

If you're interested in learning more about how a cantilever crane can benefit your business, don't hesitate to reach out to us. Our team of experts can provide you with a customized solution that meets your specific needs. Contact us today to schedule a consultation!



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